National Cereal Festival - June 9 & 10Downtown Battle Creek The celebration of Battle Creek's pride and joy is finally here! Come to downtown Battle Creek and celebrate the birthplace of cereal at the parade on Friday and the World's Longest Breakfast Table on Saturday.
Corks for Conservation - June 9 Binder Park Zoo Binder Park Zoo's biggest fundraiser and every adults favorite is this Friday at 6pm. Corks for Conservation is a wine festival in the zoo. You can still purchase tickets online and pick them up at the door.
Food Truck Fridays - June 9 Festival Market Square During the Cereal Festival Parade, you can grab a bite to eat at Food Truck Fridays in Festival Market Square!
Cereal City 5k/10k - June 10 Downtown Battle Creek Hey runners! Time to run in the Cereal City 5k or 10k this Saturday! Afterwards, grab a bowl of cereal at the World's Longest Breakfast Table.
Battle Creek Farmer's Market - June 10 Festival Market Square After you get your cereal over at the World's Longest Breakfast Table, head to Festival Market Square to grab you ingredients for your Saturday night meal.
Movies in the Park - June 10 Festival Market Square The fist Movies in the Park of the Summer is this Saturday! The featured movie is Disney's "Moana."
Wicked Jeep Night - June 10 Backroads Saloon Jeep lovers bring your jeep to Backroads Saloon as they host their first swap meet.
T.Y.P.O. - June 10 Backraods Saloon Come out this Saturday night as Backroads Saloon hosts T.Y.P.O.
Leila Carboretum Car Show - June 11 Leila Arboretum Car lovers head to Leila Arboretum as they host their annual Carboretum Car Show!